A fun day was had by all with the invention of the DD Fly we caught may fly tiers with that imitation.
Fly Tying
2017 Woodbury Earth Day
https://naugapomp.tu.org/2017-woodbury-earth-day -
Fly Tying
https://naugapomp.tu.org/fly-tying -
Madison Guide Cripple
https://naugapomp.tu.org/fly-patterns/madison-guide-crippleA nice emerger-style attractor for the pockety water of the Madison.
The Law of Attractors
https://naugapomp.tu.org/blog/the-law-of-attractorsWith the Yellowstone winds quickly whipping our high-country snow out to Eastern Montana, I’ve been spending the blustery days at the vise. Every year I try to tie up a season’s worth of bugs over the course of a winter.
FB Dun
https://naugapomp.tu.org/blog/fb-dunThis extended body baetis takes a nod from traditional patterns while making use of new synthetic materials. Every had a hard time keeping your deer-hair extended body bugs afloat after a few fish, this foam pattern solves that problem without looking like kids toy.
Orange Bomber
https://naugapomp.tu.org/blog/orange-bomberSkating for silvers? Waking for steelies? This classic never looked better than this understated tie from Rodney Hobbs.
Claret Bumble
https://naugapomp.tu.org/blog/claret-bumbleI love the way the mix of the blue head hackle and the claret dubbing came together on this one. Fly by Peter McCallum.
Fly Tying
https://naugapomp.tu.org/connect/groups/fly-tyingWe talk about fly tying and related topics. Please share you favorite patterns.
East Tennessee Fly Fishing
https://naugapomp.tu.org/connect/groups/east-tennessee-fly-fishingJoin in the conversation about Fly Fishing in East Tennessee.