First Annual Sierra Trout Camp: Teaching a New Generation of "Complete Anglers!"
(located on Sagehen Creek about 10 miles north of Truckee, California) for the first annual Sierra Trout Camp. “This is the most accessible and technical youth fly fishing camp in California,” says David Lass, TU’s northern California field manager. “The camp provides students with hands-on experience fly tying and fly fishing, and creates awareness, appreciation and understanding of the importance of our nation’s aquatic resources with an emphasis on conservation, protection and restoration of coldwater ecosystems.”
for sponsoring the camp, and to Kevin Mather, JJ Plank, Dave Stanely, Dan LeCount, Mike Caltagirone, Kate Blubaugh, Haley Cutter, Ralph Cutter and Lisa Cutter of the Sac-Sierra, Truckee River, Sagebrush and Feather River Chapters of TU for generously volunteering their time and expertise. The Sierra Trout Camp not only provides kids with a fun, adventurous and informative weekend, but helps ensure we have a new generation of “complete anglers” to carry on a critically important legacy of protecting and restoring wild trout, salmon, steelhead and their watersheds.